News & Events

woman happy after HRT helps with weight loss.

Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Help With Weight Loss?

Television commercials, online ads, and Facebook posts all boast about how to get rid of belly fat. Yes, reducing the weight around your middle goes a long way in curbing many medical conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular problems. However, taking a gummy every day will not miraculously shrink that belly fat. It seems that no

woman getting botox

Fillers vs. Botox: What’s The Difference?

Women and men can both benefit from fillers and Botox. Our faces take a beating from natural aging, stress, hormonal changes, and sun exposure. Both are injectables that help you turn back the clock, and both can be combined into one treatment. Fillers vs Botox: what’s the difference? How And Where Does Botox Work? Botox

breast cancer awareness video.

Breast Cancer Awareness: What you can do to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer

Breast cancer is a concern for many, but there’s so much you can do to lower your risk and prioritize your well-being. Join us in the fight against breast cancer by taking proactive steps to protect your health! Breast cancer affects millions of women worldwide. While you can’t change some factors, there are proactive measures

women on computer.

New Website Launch

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.