Annual Well Woman Exams in Somerset, KY

A well-woman visit provides an excellent opportunity to obtain counseling about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing health risks. Given the shifting and complex landscape of care, in which many women may not receive all the recommended preventive services, obstetrician–gynecologists have an opportunity to contribute to the overall health and well-being of women throughout the lifespan by providing recommended preventive services and counseling.

Preventive care includes:

  • Discussion of health topics based on your age and risk factors
  • Exams and screening tests
  • Immunizations

The expertly trained gynecologists at Perennial Women’s Wellness have extensive experience providing routine gynecologic care including annual exams. Regular annual exams are an essential part of preventative care. Call (606) 451-3145 to request an annual exam appointment at our gynecology office in Somerset, KY.

What to Expect

In addition to checking your height, weight, and blood pressure, your doctor will ask you questions about your general health, menstrual period and sexual activities. During your exam, your doctor will perform the following exams and tests. If the doctor is male, a female nurse remains in the room during your exam.

Breast Exam

If indicated-a breast exam will be performed. During your breast exam, your doctor will check your breasts for signs of any potential problems, such as a lump. He or she will examine each breast by moving his or her fingers around your breast in a pattern. 

Pelvic Exam

If indicated–a pelvic exam will be performed. During your pelvic exam, your doctor will examine your vagina, cervix and reproductive organs. Once you place your feet against footrests at the end of the examining table and slide forward, your doctor will then insert an instrument called a speculum into your vagina to gently spread the walls apart to examine the area. Your doctor then places one or two gloved, lubricated fingers into your vagina and the other hand presses on your abdomen from the outside to check the size, position, and shape of your internal pelvic organs. The pelvic exam may feel a bit uncomfortable, but should not hurt.

Pap Smear

A Pap smear may be performed and checks for abnormal cells in the cervix that could lead to cancer.